Friday 1 July 2016

What a difference a few months can make..

It's hard to believe that time has flown by so fast, but our little Carter has officially graduated from preschool. 

So I scrolled back through my old photos to see if I could find the pictures that I had taken of his very first day of preschool all those months ago. 

And seeing his little baby face and his tiny sister behind him took my breath away for a moment...

because thinking back to all of those months ago made me realize how fast time flies...

and it reminded me that having a three year old is designed to teach you patience and caring and love like you have never felt before. Because 3yr olds are sweet and loving and funny and silly, but they're also not always easy.

But now? Well, our little boy is growing up. And that busy little 3yr old has now turned into a hilarious, smart, sweet, caring, loving {almost} 4yr old. He is silly and funny and always up for a good time. He loves sports, sharks, tearing around on his bike and anything slightly dangerous. He is adorable and witty and kind and we are so madly in love with him. And yes, of course there are still moments when almost 4yr olds can be exhausting too...but the thing that I'll always remember about him at this point in his life is that he is obsessed with giving hugs and kisses. I mean obsessed. He is the best snuggler in the world, always up for a cuddle, can't get enough kisses and hugs and loves hard. Loves really hard. As my mom once said "Whoever he chooses to marry when he's older is going to be the most adored person in the world".

Truer words could not have been spoken.

And this almost 4yr old has now just graduated from preschool.  

So when I looked back to those pictures of his first day of preschool, it made my heart stop for a moment...

because that baby faced little boy has turned into a grown up, wonderful little pre- kindergartener who is so ready for school.

And it's not only our front steps and gardens that have changed since those first day pictures all those months ago--but our tiny little baby has turned into a one year old. So seeing how much she has grown takes my breath away too...

because even though some days can feel amazing and wonderful with little kids, and then other days can feel long and tiring--time really does fly.

So as the summer is now upon us, I'm going to soak in these last couple of months that I get to have with all three of our kids at home with me before I head back to work myself.

And as much as I can't wait to see my little kindergarten kids in September, I'll choose to live in a permanent state of denial for the entire summer about having to leave my own little monkeys at home...

otherwise, I'll just start to cry.

So in the meantime, in honor of my choice to live in denial here--I'll just take a look at my little graduate and pretend that I get to keep him with me forever...

because the reality is that this little boy is growing up...

and I just can't wait to see where life takes him.

Happy 1st week of summer holidays everyone.
Enjoy every loud, wonderful, frustrating, amazing, exhausting moment with your kids.
This moment in time will be gone before you know it.

Erica xo

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